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P. 20
year’s debate was: “Prioritizing oth-
ers before self makes a better socie-
The finalists had indulged completely
into pre-paring for this colossal event.
Their armours were ready for this bat-
tle of words. As the event began, ten-
sion in the auditorium was high: after
every fiery speech, the weight on the
“OUR GOAL TODAY IS TO SHOW EVERYONE HERE balance inclined to one side and then
THE LOGIC OF OUR CONTENTION THAT PRIORI- the other. The mega event consisted of
three individual rounds:
TIZING OTHERS BEFORE SELF IS THE BASIC, Round 1: The round of individual
NATURAL AND PERFECT WAY TO HUMAN PRO- speeches. Participants were given a
GRESS. FOCUSING ON GROWING—GROWING TO time limit of three minutes to convey
REALIZE THAT YOU ARE A PART OF SOMETHING their speeches in favour of their teams.
Round 2: Contestants were given one
MUCH BIGGER THAN YOURSELF—IS WHAT minute to retaliate and negate the
MAKES A FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY.” claims of their opposing party.
Round 3: Questions were posed by the
panel of esteemed judges to the speak-
ers. They were al-lowed a minute to
map out their answers, as well as a mi-
nute to deliver their responses.
To give you an insight on the perspec-
tives of the teams, here are some
quotes from their speeches:
At last, adrenaline amongst the audi-
ence was through the roof as they an-
“MY POINT HERE IS THAT HUMAN BEINGS IN- ticipated the judges’ verdict on the
NATELY PRIORITIZE THEIR OWN SELVES ABOVE winners and the winning team. The
orators were judged by a panel com-
OTHERS. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MY prising of internal and external judg-
TEAMMATES AND I HOPE TO ESTABLISH es; Mrs. Bushra Nadwi and Mrs. Pooja
THROUGH OUR ARGUMENTS THIS MORNING. Ananth were the internal judges while
Mrs. Ayat Islam had spared some time
WE ALSO HOPE TO EXPLOIT THE MYTH THAT to come and judge this com-petition.
GIVING IMPORTANCE TO OUR OWN SELVES Our audacious, fervent orators gave
our judges a tough time in the decision