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challenging them to speak in front of an audience and their
teachers. Successfully completing the one minute is a sure
sign that the student‘s ability to speak spontaneously – with-
out prior notes or preparation — has improved. Not everyone HOW DO
has this chance to learn public speaking in a fun way, but Al
Waha provides all the students with an opportunity that will YOU PREPARE TO
not only hone their public speaking skills and fluency but also SPEAK ON A SUBJECT
enhance their communication skills. YOU DON‘T KNOW THE
On the sixth of October, 2019, all students from Grades 4 to NAME OF UNTIL THE
7 used their lunch breaks to get themselves ready for their MOMENT YOU’RE AC-
English class, when the first round would be held. The big
question was this: How do you prepare to speak on a subject TUALLY REQUIRED TO
you don‘t know the name of until the moment you’re actually SPEAK ABOUT IT?
required to speak about it? The art of impromptu speech is a
fine one, after all, but the students executed it well, talking
about topics that ranged from ‘Obedience to Parents’ and
‘The Best Day of your Life’.
The newly-selected students were labelled semi-finalists and now had to undergo a second
round where they would compete once more with their fellow classmates to win a spot in
the final round; from these students, the best of the best were chosen and at last – crowned
finalists. The final round was held on the 21st of October and, despite their apprehensive-
ness and fear of not knowing what to say, all the participants spoke confidently and with-
out hesita-tion, regaling the audience with facts and anecdotes alike. After each one of
them had their turn in the spotlight, it was finally time for the results. Amongst all the con-
testants, there could only be three winners from each grade level.