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         GRADE 10G1

           On  the  20th  and  21st  of   learning,  furthermore  de- agination, think outside the

           November,  Al  Waha  held  veloping  their  social,  coor- box,  and  display  their
           their annual science exhibi- dination  and  leadership  knowledge  in  artistic,  in-
           tion  with  budding  young  skills.                                   spired ways.
           scientists  exhibiting  an  ar-                                       Students  demonstrated  un-

           ray of  enthralling projects,                                         rivalled  proficiency,  show-
           displaying  a  commendable                                            ing  off   various  self-built
           fusion  of   creativity  and                                          models  and  crafts.  The  hy-

           knowledge.                                                            draulic  bridges  and  the  so-

           The  science  exhibition  is  a                                       lar systems, like every year,
           sublime way to engage stu-                                            greatly  amused  the  audi-

           dents in learning  with zeal                                          ence.  Physics  students  this
           of  interest. What makes the  The exhibits were a compi- year fused up an impressing
           science  exhibition  such  a  lation of  models for grades  flame sensor, while a chem-
           great learning experience is  4–7,  and  experiments  and  istry  group  presented  bak-

           its  involvement  of   aspects  working  models  for  grades  ing soda volcanoes. A group
           covering more than science.  8, 9, and 11. Students were  of   biology  students  also
           It  renders  a  positive  direc- given  a  week  of   zero  peri- showcased the human circu-

           tion to the students' curiosi- ods  at  school  to  prepare  latory system, and put their
           ty  and  helps  them  dive  their projects. They got the  blood  (pun  intended)  and
           deeper  into  the  ocean  of   chance to unleash their im- sweat into the model.
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