Page 15 - newsletter xx
P. 15

The  projects  were  judged  based  on  design,

           innovation and knowledge. The judges for the                 The science exhibition this
           first day were Mrs. Sophiya and Mrs. Uzma.                   year was a brilliant event.

           On the second day, the judges were Ms. Uzma
           Sadath,  the  senior  section's  Biology  teacher;           There was a lot to explore and
           Ms.  Reem,  the  Physics  teacher;  and  Mrs.                learn. The catalyst experiment
           Abeer and Mrs. Nuzhat, who were called spe-
                                                                        with the goat's liver really
           cifically for this event.                                    my favourites from the day.

           The activity was an excellent example of  ac-                amazed me, and was one of
           tive learning or hands-on learning, something
           Al  Waha  greatly  promotes.  A  heartfelt  con-
           gratulation  to  the  lucky  winners  and  all  the
           participants  –  this  competition  was  truly  a             — TOOBA, GRADE EIGHT
           brilliant learning experience for all of  us!

                                                      PICTURED: THE COMPERES TAKE THE FLOOR
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