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audience  involved  and  ac- to  drive  cars.  Finally,  the  to  diversify  its  economy

             tive;  it  began  with  a  seg- last  segment  consisted  of   away from oil exports into
             ment  on  the  history  of   the  future  plans  that  the  areas  like  tourism.  One
             Saudi  Arabia:  the  for- current ruler, Custodian of   major  development  that

             mation process, the discov- the  Two  Holy  Mosques  was  discussed  was  the
             ery  of   oil,  the  ex-                                                   smart city ‘Neom.’
             pansion of  the Two                                                        With  a  quick  ques-

             Holy  Mosques  and                                                         tion and answer ses-
             the  development  in                                                       sion, this special as-

             the  economic  struc-                                                      sembly  was  almost
             ture. Next, a section                                                      complete. After a pa-
             on  the  advancements  in  King  Salman  bin  Abdul                rade performed by the 12
             the  infrastructure  of   the  Aziz  Al  Saud,  has.  The          graders,  and  reciting  the
             Kingdom  was  presented.  main objective of  this seg-
                                                                                national anthem in unison,
             This  consisted  of   the  re- ment  was  to  concentrate          the  audience  went  back
             cent changes that have oc- on  the  innovative  Vision
                                                                                with  a  fresh  feeling  of
             curred  in  the  policies  of   2030.  The  students  pre-         love,  devotion,  acceptance

             the Kingdom such as wom- sented  slides  that  por-
                                                                                and  belonging  to  this  na-
             en being given permission  trayed Saudi Arabia’s plans

               I am but one of you:

               whatever troubles you

               troubles me, & whatever

               pleases you pleases me.

                  — KING FAHD
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