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The celebration was initiat- while the actual teachers sat  The  letters,  enveloped  in
          ed  with  a  succinct  but  back and watched the mate- brown  paper,  were  distrib-
          equally  delightful  assembly  rialization of  years of  their  uted to their rightful recipi-
          early in the morning, solely  hard  work  stand  before  ents  that  day  through  a

          dedicated to the events that  them  and  eloquently  take  privileged  mail  delivery
          were  to  unfold  in  the  up- up their role.                         system  operated  wholly  by
          coming  hours  and  by  the                                           students; the look of  sheer
                                             “This was a first-time expe-
          end,  the  young  teachers  –      rience  for  me,”  remarked        surprise  and  soul-stirring
          clad  in  the  uniform  black      Mrs.  Dania  Masood,  the          joy  that  lit  up  a  teacher’s
          and  white  garb  of   Al-         Mathematics teacher. “Since        face  when  she  opened  the
          Waha’s  educators  –  were         I’m new to the scene at Al-        brown  casing  was  truly  an
          requested to take their plac-      Waha,  it  was  all  the  more     emotion  to  strive  to  pro-

          es.                                pleasantly disarming to find       vide.

          Throughout  the  day,  every  such talented young women
          class got to meet their new  standing at the head of  the
          tutor  for  the  period,  be  it  class,  taking  on  this  hon-
          Geography,  Chemistry  or  ourable  role  with  the  ut-
                                                                                     World Teacher’s Day 2019
          Business Studies,                  most  zeal  and  an  almost

                                             palpable enthusiasm.”              The event was a refreshing
                                                                                experience,  both  for  the
                                             Mrs.  Tabassum,  the  Biolo-       teachers  and  the  students.
                                             gy  and  Environmental
                                             Management  teacher,  also         It  not  only  served  its  pur-

                                             reflected upon the occasion:       pose  of   giving  our  es-
                                                                                teemed  teachers  a  break
                                             “That  day,  I  had  the  good     from  their  demanding,
                                             fortune  of   seeing  two  of
                                             my brilliant students tackle       stressful  and  more  often

                                             the art of  being a teacher –      than  not  tedious  routines,
                                             a pair of   well-prepared  tu-     but  it  also  gave  us  an  in-
                                                                                sight,  however  brief   and
                                             tors, who not just presented
                                             the lesson with great detail,      fleeting  it  may  be,  into  the
                           AIZA ASIM                                            hard  work  and  ambition
                                             but  also  welcomed  any           these  strong  women  work

                            GRADE 10G1       doubts  the  class  came  up       with to  shape  us  a promis-
                                                                                ing future.
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