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             GRADE 10G1

             Candidates  from  Grades  8  On the 19th of  September,
             to 11 were selected by their  the nominees gave one last
             classmates  and  teachers.  speech  to  prove  their                      Ask not what your
             They  then  went  on  to  de- worth.  Finally,  it  was  the
             liver  brilliant  one-minute  voting  day  and  students                  country can do for
             speeches  during  the  morn- cast  their  votes  for  candi-              you, but what you
             ing assembly wherein they         dates  they  deemed  deserv-
             introduced  themselves  and  ing and felt were the most                   can do for your
             expanded  on  their  goals  viable  representatives.  The                 country.
             and hopes for an impeccable  names  were  ticked  and  the
             school experience.                votes were placed in the
                                               ballot box.
             During  a  three-day-long
             campaign,  candidates  com-                                          After  an  exhilarating  ses-
             peted  to  gain  votes  from                                         sion  of   campaigning  and
             the students. They had the                                           voting,  the  day  of   the  re-
             opportunity  to  promote                                             sults  arrived.  On  the  2nd
             themselves  during  free  pe-                                        of   October,  amidst  ap-
             riods, speak to students one                                         plause  and  cheers,  the
             -on-one  and  address  their                                         school  proudly  welcomed
             queries.  Some  candidates                                           its  new  student  council
             created catchy slogans that                                          members: Zaynab Faisal of
             were  chanted  in  lunch                                             Grade  11G  as  the  Presi-
             breaks;  furthermore,  badg-                                         dent,  Leena  Rayees  of
             es  were  made  that  were                                           Grade  12G  as  the  Vice
             pinned  onto  students  and                                          President,  and  Zainab
             teachers,  adding  on  to  the                                       Mahmoud of  Grade 9G1 as
             buzzing  excitement  of   the                                        the Secretary.
                                                                                  The  new  council  is  set  to
             “Every candidate was solic-                                          lead  us  for  the  upcoming
             itous  and  had  thoroughly                                          year,  voicing  our  opinions,
             thought-out  ideas.  The  ex-                                        helping  bridge  the  gap  be-
             citement  was  unreal  and                                           tween  us  and  the  manage-
             the  experience  was  un-                                            ment, consequently making
             doubtedly  extremely  mem-                                           a difference in the school
             orable,”     said     Rehmah                                         community  –  and  for  that,
             Irshad,  a  first-time  candi-                                       Al  Waha  wishes  them  all
             date reminiscing on her ex-                                          the best!
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