Page 8 - newsletter xx
P. 8


                                                                                       What we want is

                                                                                       to see the child in

                                                                                       pursuit of

                                                                                       knowledge, and

                                                                                       not knowledge in
                                                                                       pursuit of the

           The  5   of   October  is  no  mencing  from  the  previous  seniors  enthusiastically
           quotidian day on our calen- week  that  were  met  by  ec- hurrying up to the teachers
           dars. It is the day the world  static  responses  from  stu- they would replace for a pe-
           celebrates  the  most  im-         dents  in  the  Middle  and  riod  to  inquire  about  the

           portant  figure  in  our  lives,   Senior  Schools  alike.  The  lesson  they  were  to  tackle
           the  keystone  in  the  struc-     arrangement  not  only  in- with  their  temporary  stu-
           ture of  our society, the sin-     cluded  planning  for  the  dents in the days leading up

           gle  most  indispensable  in-      school  assembly,  but  also  to  the  event.  The  occasion
           fluence  to  the  exploits  and    gave  students  from  Grades  also  included  distributing
           feats  undertaken  by  human       11  and  12  the  opportunity  letters of  deep appreciation
           civilization:  the  one  who       to stand in the shoes of  the  to  the  teachers,  therefore,

           goes humbly by the title of        figure  they  admire  and  students  in  every  class  put
           a teacher.                         teach  the  classes  that  they  their  creative  skills  to  task
                                              had chosen for the day. This  and  conjured  beautifully
           The Teachers’ Day celebra-         endeavour,  of   course,  re- written  and  heart-warming
           tion  at  Al-Waha  this  year      quired  meticulous  prepara- letters  which  were  then

           was  an  intricately  planned      tions beforehand and it was  submitted a few days before
           one, with preparations com-
                                              a common sight to see these  their final delivery.
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