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P. 3
GRADE 8G3 & 8G1
Every academic term, mothers are invited to
the school to hold a vital discussion about the
progress and behaviour of their children with PARENTS AND TEACHERS
their mentors at our second home – the
school. The parent-teacher meeting aims to as well as social activities which results in a
ensure that the students’ levels are always in better academic year. The parent-teacher
progression. Whether negative or positive, meeting is also a great advantage for the
the teachers’ remarks provide the mothers mothers as they get the opportunity to share
with a detailed report about the pupils’ aca- their concerns regarding their children‘s
demic and behavioural level to help them de- school-life with the teachers if needed, estab-
velop holistically. The mothers, our guiders lishing a strong connection between the two.
back home, then discuss with us the various Although we tend to oversee the positive ef-
reviews made by the teachers, and we aim to fects of when the meetings are conducted, re-
implement the lessons learnt in the long run joicing at the holidays, we must realize the
– from changing our wrong habits to continu- significance of our teachers‘ compliments and
ing our good ones. This way, students become criticism, which are the gems of our develop-
more focused and engrossed in their studies ment as individuals.
Parental involvement not only enhances aca-
demic performance, but it also has a positive
influence on a student‘s attitude and behav-
iour. Parental encouragement and support for
learning activities at home combined with The open house is one such activity.
their involvement in schooling is critical to a An open house for the mothers of students in
child’s education. Extensive research has grades 4 to 8 was held on the 13th of Octo-
shown that students achieve more in school ber, 2019. The purpose of this event was to
when their parents are involved in their edu- ensure that the parents have a better under-
cation. standing of the school curriculum and can be
more comfortable with the quality of educa-
Al Waha acknowledges the great importance
of collaboration between the teachers and tion their child is receiving. During this in-
teractive activity, the parents are given an op-
parents and establishes these opportunities by
organizing events that enables them to dis- portunity to ask questions regarding the cur-
riculum and clear any uncertainties they may
cuss the plans for the upcoming academic have concerning their child‘s education.