P. 11

Kurnool |AUG 30th - SEP 05th| VOL 04,2020

                                                                      Health                                     T H E  N e w s p a p e r  F o r  C h i l d r e n

   Antibodies  to  treat  patients  She was admitted to the National Heart Institute (NHI) 11
                                                                              days ago and later developed pneumonia. She was put
   unable to be vaccinated                                                    on ventilator support but suffered a cardiac arrest on

   Unlike antiviral drugs being used to treat COVID-19, antibody therapies also
   have the potential to prevent infection from taking hold in the rst place.  The  founding  director  of  NHI,  she  was  awarded  the
   Even if a vaccine is made available, Dr Pham said antibody treatments could  Padma Bhushan in 1967 and the Padma Vibhushan in
   be used in people who can't get vaccinated because of age or ill health.   1992. She was also the recipient of Harvard Medical
   "In particular, in settings of elderly populations … prior to outbreak, you can   International Award, Dr BC Roy Award and Kamla Menon
   deliver an antibody-based therapy to protect that population that wouldn't be   Research Award.
   able to mount an immune response [to a vaccine]," she said.
   The same applies to people who are immunocompromised.                      “In 1972, when I joined Maulana Azad Medical College
   Antibody therapies could also be used to protect individuals at high-risk of  as a rst-year MBBS student, Madam Padmavati was the
   infection, such as healthcare workers. However, the challenge is knowing how  director, the head of the medical college. She is the most
   long this immunity would last — a question researchers are still trying to   illustrious name in the eld of cardiology in this country.
   answer.                                                                    She strings together scores and scores of cardiologists to
   Antibody-based therapies are currently used in cancer treatments and immune   whom she was a teacher as well as a mentor. Even till the
   As a treatment for COVID-19, they would likely be more effective than the   last moment, she was very sharp and would put us to
   antivirals currently available, Dr Labzin said.                            shame at times when we would not recount an incident but
   "I think the main drawback is that these antibody therapies are not cheap to  she would remember it.
   make — at least not yet," she said.                                        She was a health enthusiast and swam till the age of 93-
   "But they're denitely less expensive than they were."                     94 years. She loved playing tennis, which she gave up
   In the United States, pharmaceutical companies Regeneron and Eli Lily have   some time ago. Her physical abilities were restricted over
   clinical trials for antibody treatments underway, as well as UK-based company
   AstraZeneca.                                                               the last ve years,” said Dr OP Yadava, Chief Cardiac
                                                                              Surgeon and Chief Executive Ofcer at NHI.
                                                                              Born in 1917 in Burma, now Myanmar, she graduated
                                                                              from Rangoon Medical College from where she started
       Dr  Padmavati,  among  India’s                                         her career in cardiology.
                                                                              In 1967, she took over as Director-Principal of Maulana
       top cardiologists, dies at 103                                         Azad  Medical  College  where  she  also  set  up  a

                                                                              Cardiology  Department.  She  then  introduced  the  DM
                                                                              course in Cardiology and other super specialities like the
   She was admitted to the National Heart Institute (NHI) 11                  rst coronary care unit and the rst coronary care van in
   days ago and later developed pneumonia. She was put on                     India.  She  also  established  North  India’s  rst  Cardiac
                                                                              Catheterisation  Laboratory  at  Lady  Hardinge  Medical
   ventilator  support  but  suffered  a  cardiac  arrest  on
                                                                              College in 1954.
   Saturday.                                                                  “She was a role model. We learnt a lot from her that

   New Delhi : 31st Aug 2020,Monday                                           helped us establish a healthy relationship with patients.
   A strong-willed woman, a pioneer in cardiology and a doctor with a heart of   My rst encounter with her was at the examination hall in
   gold – this is how the medical fraternity remembers 103-year-old cardiologist   MAMC when she came as an external examiner. She had
   Dr  Padmavati  Sivaramakrishna  Iyer,  known  simply  as  Dr  Padmavati,  who
   passed away Saturday after contracting Covid-19 earlier this month.        a reputation of being strict and we were very scared of
                                                                              her. In 1974, I got a chance to interact with her when I
                                                                              joined the MD medicine at MAMC. My thesis was later
                                                                              guided by her and I got to work with her closely. She was
                                                                              disciplined,  dedicated,  and  never  said  no  to  poor
                                                                              patients…  In  those  days,  cardiology  was  not  as
                                                                              developed as it  is  now and only  basic CATH lab was
                                                                              available. Her opinions hold great value and were highly
                                                                              acknowledged  across  the  country.  At  a  time  when
                                                                              coronary heart disease was not even an issue, she gave
                                                                              strong emphasis on prevention of heart disease,” said Dr
                                                                              KK Sethi, chairman of Delhi Health and Lung Institute.

        Dr  Padmavati  passed  away  Saturday  after
        contracting Covid-19 earlier this month.

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