P. 9

Kurnool |AUG 30th - SEP 05th| VOL 04,2020
      Dehradun  Man  Swept  Away  In                                                                               N e w s p a p e r  F o r  C h i l d r e n
      Song River While Trying To Take
      Sele                                          07                      Buying notebooks and registers are an expensive affair, said 49-
                                                                             year-old Sultana, who has discovered innovative ways of teaching.
                                                                             She often goes from one shop to the other in Srinagar collecting waste
                                                                             materials, plastic covers, sawdust and even used tea leaves. She then
                                                                             uses them in creative ways to make learning fun for her students.
                                                                             “Used plastic covers of wheat our can be used to write for practice.

          on 31st Aug 2020,Monday                                            I write nouns, and word-meaning on used bottles. I write words on
                                                                             toffee rappers and ask kids to arrange them. I also create shapes
          The  man's  body  was  recovered  about  eight  kilometres         and letters from sawdust and dried tea leaves while using them as
          away from where he had fallen, after a two-hour search,            clay,” Sultana told ThePrint.
          police said.                                                       She strongly believes that art integrated learning is essential for
          Dehradun: A 22-year-old man drowned after slipping into            students. “I use the play-way method. The kids really get involved in
          the Song river in Dehradun while trying to take a sele,           this process of learning. I am merely a facilitator, but it lls my heart
          police said on Monday.                                             with joy to see their creativity take shape through the teaching,” she
          Shubham slipped and fell into the river while he was trying        said, while adding that she always sits with her students on the oor.
          to take a sele during the immersion of Lord Ganesha's
          idol on Sunday, Circle Ofcer Nehru Colony Pallavi Tyagi
          He was swept away by the waters of the swollen river,
          despite his friends' attempts to save him, she said.
          Shubham was a part of a group that had gone to immerse
          the idol, the ofcer said.
          His  body,  which  was  recovered  by  the  State  Disaster
          Response Force (SDRF), was found by police personnel,
          after two hours of search, from under a bridge near the
          Raipur stadium, which is about eight kilometres from where
          he had fallen into the river, Ms Tyagi said.
          Shubham was an autorickshaw driver and a resident of
          Dehradun's Clement Town.

                                                                                                  Roohi Sultana with her students

       The man drowned despite his friends' attempt to save him, police said (Representational)

        Kashmir teacher, who uses
        poor  kids,  selected  for  08
        scrap  material  to  educate

        national award

     on 31st Aug 2020,Monday
     Roohi Sultana is among 47 educators who have been selected
     for the prestigious National Teachers Award 2020. She has
     been selected for her innovative teaching methods.
     New Delhi: Roohi Sultana, a teacher at the BMS Kashipora in
     Srinagar, believes in what she calls a “low cost-no cost” method
     of teaching her students, many of whom come from low income
     families of Bakarwal and Gujjar communities in Jammu and
     Sultana is among 47 educators in the country who have been
     selected for the prestigious National Teachers Award 2020,
     which will be conferred by President Ram Nath Kovind in a
     virtual ceremony on 5 September.
                                                                                    Small plastic containers used to create alphabet boxes

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