P. 18
Kurnool |AUG 30th - SEP 05th| VOL 04,2020
NEWS N e w s p a p e r F o r C h i l d r e n
15 Pranab Mukherjee, a President
who could have been PM
on 01st Sept 2020,Tuesday Mukherjee was famous in political circles as a consensus
New Delhi: A quintessential party loyalist and the trusted Man
builder. He inspired trust among leaders across the
Friday of three Congress prime ministers, Pranab Mukherjee's political spectrum, an asset that proved handy at the
climb up the political ladder stopped just short of his ambition to time of his election as president.
occupy 7 Race Course Road, instead sending him to the It was a many splendoured political career, which ended
Rashtrapati Bhavan as the country's rst citizen. Mukherjee, India's
at the presidential palace. But the prime minister's post
13th president, Congress' troubleshooter through the decades
eluded him, even though it was a position he openly
and one of the country's most respected politicians, died on aspired for.
Monday after a 21-day illness and ve decades in public life. He In his book "The Coalition Years", Mukherjee
was 84.
acknowledged that he had hoped to get the post in May
A people's person till the end, 'Citizen Mukherjee' used Twitter to
2004 after then Congress president Sonia Gandhi
communicate to the world that he had tested positive for COVID- herself declined the position.
19 on August 10. It was his last post, and his last words to the "Finally she named Dr Manmohan Singh as her choice
and he accepted. The prevalent expectation was that I
Demonstrating his ability to quickly adapt to situations as they
would be the next choice for prime minister after Sonia
arose, Mukherjee was at ease with the new mode of Gandhi declined," Mukherjee wrote, admitting that he
communication. Twitter was a platform he used often, to express had initially refused to join the cabinet of Manmohan
his condolences on the death of leaders and friends, greet people Singh who had been his junior in the past but agreed
on festivals or wish them on their birthdays.
when Sonia Gandhi insisted.
Some politicians don't fade into the background. And so it was Mukherjee remained the UPA's chief crisis manager
with the scholarly Mukherjee too. He remained a presence to through its tumultuous years, starting 2004 until he
contend with even after he demitted the ofce of president, often became president on July 25, 2012.
making headlines as he attended book launches and delivered
Born on December 11, 1935 in the small village of Mirati
lectures. in West Bengal's Birbhum district, Mukherjee received
It was a life of many rsts and accomplishments for the West early lessons in life from his freedom ghter parents. His
Bengal-born politician, famed for his encyclopaedic memory, father, a Congress leader, endured great nancial
razor sharp intellect and deep insights into issues.
hardship and was sent to jail several times for his role in
In 1982, he became India's youngest nance minister when he was the freedom struggle.
just 47. In the years that followed, he served as India's minister for The roots were strong and never forgotten, taking him
External Affairs, Defence, Finance and Commerce and was the back often from the corridors of power to his village
rst Indian president to have done so.
during Durga Puja, even when he became president.
Mukherjee managed the rare distinction of serving three prime Photographs of Mukherjee, performing prayers in a
ministers as minister -- Indira Gandhi, P V Narasimha Rao and traditional dhoti, made it to the public domain through
Manmohan Singh - ever the Congress' trusted Man Friday as it his years as minister and president.
evolved over the decades.
In 2015, he lost his wife Suvra Mukherjee. He is survived
Mukherjee was also India's only non-prime minister who was by his two sons Indrajit and Abhijit, and daughter
leader of the Lok Sabha for eight years. He was also leader of the Sharmistha, who was by his side during important events
Rajya Sabha from 1980-85. of his president years.
There were other landmarks in a remarkable political Mukherjee, who served in the Rajya Sabha for ve terms
career, which started in 1969 as a Rajya Sabha member and in the Lok Sabha twice and was one of India's
for the Bangla Congress which subsequently merged with longest serving parliamentarians, became a member of
the Congress. the Congress Parliamentary Party when the Bangla
When he became president in 2012, Mukherjee was Congress merged with the Congress in 1971.
Though he occupied various positions in the government,
heading 24 of 39 GOMs (groups of ministers). Between
2004-2012, he chaired 95 GOMs. Mukherjee was elected to the Lok Sabha for the rst time
only in 2004 when he won from West Bengal's Jangipur
Mukherjee was famous in political circles as a consensus constituency. He had lost the previous two Lok Sabha
builder. He inspired trust among leaders across the contests -- from Malda in 1977 and Bolpur in 1980.
political spectrum, an asset that proved handy at the time
of his election as president. 18