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Kurnool |AUG 30th - SEP 05th| VOL 04,2020
                                                                       Be Healthy                                E  N e w s p a p e r  F o r  C h i l d r e n

                                    5 Healthy Drinks to Speed

                                            Up Your Metabolism

                   Lorem ipsum

     It’s often easy to gain weight and it sometimes happens without us even noticing. Our lives are stressful enough and being overweight
     can bring many health challenges that only add to that stress. One needs to make positive lifestyle changes in order to shed these extra
     pounds and maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly would be at the top of that list. However, there are some other things that
     can be done as an adjunct to your weight loss regime. Here are a few beverages that help in boosting metabolism and keep you feeling
     full for long, thus promoting weight loss.
     1. Green tea
     You all must have heard about the benets of green tea on television or radio advertisements. Green tea is considered to be one of the
     healthiest drinks for anyone who wishes to lose some of the extra weight they’ve put on. It contains a lot of catechins, which help in
     increasing the metabolism of the body, thus promoting weight loss. In a study, matcha, a type of green tea, was found to have a higher
     amount of catechins than other loose green tea leaves. The researchers also found that women who consumed 3 grams of matcha per
     day were able to burn more fat while exercising compared to those who did not drink matcha.
     2. Ginger tea
     Ginger tea is popularly used in every Indian household to curb various illnesses such as cold, sore throat, nausea and even arthritis.
     Research has found that ginger can increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) in the body. A study published in the
     European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences showed that consumption of 5% ginger powder for four weeks can help in
     signicantly reducing weight. It is also said that ginger tea helps in reducing hunger and boosts the calorie expenditure in the body. You
     can grate a little bit of ginger in your regular cup of tea to reap its benets.
     3. Apple cider vinegar
     Some people swear by apple cider vinegar (ACV) for weight loss. According to nutritionists, the acetic acid present in the ACV helps in
     burning fat. It improves metabolism, reduces appetite and stimulates the fat-burning process. It also keeps you feeling full for a longer
     period of time. However, ACV can be harmful to the teeth, thus it should be consumed in moderation. You can add two tablespoons of
     ACV in a glass of water and drink this daily.
     4.Coconut water
     Coconut water has high levels of antioxidants and is packed with bio-active enzymes. Bio-active enzymes help in improving digestion
     and metabolism. It can be consumed daily as it not only enhances the metabolism but also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the
     levels of cholesterol in the body. Try to consume fresh coconut water but if it is not available, you can consume natural coconut water
     available in tetra-packs.
     5. Lemon water
     Lemon water is one of the most popular drinks used to boost metabolism. Lemon contains vitamin C which helps in better absorption of
     iron and enhances the immune system. Studies have shown that people with enough amounts of vitamin C oxidize 30% more fat during a
     moderate exercise session than those who have low vitamin C levels in their body.

     All you need to do is add a few spoons of lemon juice in lukewarm water and drink it early in the morning. You can consume it once or
     twice a day as it is low in calories and packed with antioxidants.

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