P. 23

Kurnool |AUG 30th - SEP 05th| VOL 04,2020
                                                                                                                 H E
    NEWS                                                                                                           N e w s p a p e r  F o r  C h i l d r e n

    16                Asteroid double the size of Pyramid

                      Giza to enter Earthʼs orbit on

                      September 6

   on 01st Sept 2020,Tuesday
   The massive asteroid has been classied as an Apollo asteroid because it crosses Earth's orbit. It was rst spotted by astronomers a decade
   ago and called 465824 (2010 FR).
   National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been tracking an asteroid which is twice as big as the iconic Egyptian
   monument, Pyramid of Giza. The gigantic celestial object is expected to collide with Earth’s orbit at around 15:30 IST on September 6. As
   per the reports, the asteroid is up to 270 metre wide and 886 feet tall.
   The massive asteroid has been classied as an Apollo asteroid because it crosses Earth’s orbit. It was rst spotted by astronomers a decade
   ago and called 465824 (2010 FR).
   However, scientists at the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) conrmed that like many asteroids that have been spotted to y
   by our planet of late, it won’t be a threat.
   According to NASA, a NEO is a term used to describe “comets and asteroids that have been nudged by the gravitational attraction of
   nearby planets into orbits that allow them to enter the Earth’s neighbourhood”.
   The asteroid in question is a NEO as well as it is within 1.3 astronomical units from the Sun (1au = 14,95,97,871 kilometres).

  17                 Two large asteroids to make close approach to Earth

    On 2nd Sept 2020, Wednesday
    There is no chance of 2020 QG5 getting in an impact trajectory even if its orbit is altered by the gravitational pull of other planets.
    Two asteroids named 2011 ES4 and 2020 QG5 with a diameter of 19 metres and 49 metres respectively will be making a close
    approach towards Earth on September 1. Both asteroids have been classied as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) because of their distance
    from our planet.
    Asteroid 2011 Es4
    Despite their trajectory, both the asteroids are not expected to collide with Earth. The estimated distance of the asteroid 2011 ES4 is 1.2
    lakh km. This will be the closest approach of the particular asteroid towards Earth. It will be a lot closer to us than the moon which is 3.84
    lakh kilo metres away from our planet. The closest any known asteroid is going to get to the Earth will be over a decade later in 2032.
    “Will #asteroid 2011 ES4 hit Earth? No! 2011 ES4’s close approach is “close” on an astronomical scale but poses no danger of actually
    hitting Earth. #Planetary Defense experts expect it to safely pass by at least 45,000 miles (792,000 football elds) away on Tuesday
    Sept. 1.” NASA Asteroid Watch wrote in a tweet.

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