Page 13 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
P. 13

2.   Disconnect starting circuits from engine and lock out wherever possible unless restricted either by Life Safety
                codes, Customer operational requirements, or where disconnecting batteries will cause loss of electronic
            3.   If switch gear inspection /service is required:
                              a)   Turn engine control switch/s off
                              b)   Disconnect power to equipment
                              c)   Lockout and tagout all related circuit breakers
                              d)   Test equipment with volt-ohm meter to verify the power is off before proceeding with the

                      Confidential and Proprietary

            1.   After service or maintenance is complete, check the area to ensure that no employees are
            2.   Remove all tools and repair equipment.
            3.   Ensure that all guards have been replaced and all safety interlocks reactivated (if so equipped).
            4.   Verify that the operating controls are in the "off" or neutral position.
            5.   Remove all lockout and tag devices and activate the energy isolation devices to restore energy.

            At least annually, the Program Coordinator will verify the effectiveness of the energy control
            procedures.  These inspections shall provide for a demonstration of the procedures and may be carried
            out through random audits and observations.

            The inspector will review the Lockout/Tagout procedure with all authorized employees and will
            observe the use of the procedure.  This inspection will be documented.

            These inspections are to ensure that the energy control procedures are being properly used and to provide a
            check on the continued adherence to the procedures.  Any deficiencies will be corrected immediately,
            either by modification of the procedure, retraining of employees or a combination of both.

           Electrical Safety


                   The Electrical Safety program is designed to prevent electrically related injuries and property
                   damage. This program also provides for proper training of employees who are exposed to electrical
                   components to ensure they have the requisite knowledge and understanding of electrical work
                   practices and procedures.
                   Only employees qualified in this program may conduct adjustment, repair or replacement of
                   electrical components or equipment.


                         Provide training for qualified and unqualified employees
                         Conduct inspections to identify electrical safety deficiencies
                         Guard and correct all electrical deficiencies promptly
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