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Are retailers responding with enough
firepower and speed to meet this
Introducing technology into the overall consumer to delivery. Retail professionals clearly understand
experience for physical stores will be key to that this is critical, with 78% saying that their C-level
addressing these falling satisfaction levels. Among executives classify in-store digitization as a top
consumers who visited stores offering digital management priority. At the same time, however,
technologies, 59% found them useful and 50% 54% of retail executives agree that the digitization of
use them frequently. And this was true not just in- their stores is moving too slowly (see Figure 9).
store, but in the overall purchase cycle, extending
54% Figure 9: Percentage of Retail Executives Who Believe that Digitization of Physical
Retail Stores is Too Slow
retail executives
who believe that 71% 58% 58% 60%
the digitization 60% 51% 54%
of their stores
is moving too
France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain UK Average
Source: Capgemini Future of Retail Store Survey
Retailers are not implementing the right In-store slowly, 43% pointed to the inability to measure the
digital initiatives. We found a mismatch between benefits from what has been implemented (see
the in-store initiatives that retailers are implementing Figure 11). This resonates with Douglas Baldasare,
and what consumers find useful. In Figure 10, the CEO of ChargeItSpot, a customer engagement
technologies in the “Bull’s-Eye” quadrant are those startup, who said: “I think one of the key challenges
that have been implemented in most retail stores is retailers getting comfortable with investments in
and are also rated as useful by consumers. But new technology that are not yet proven. It’s easy for
as the figure shows, retailers are also investing in retailers to put new technology into a few stores.
technologies that are less relevant. It’s easy for them to try cool, fun innovations in a
store of the future. But what may not be so easy and
Retailers suffer from an inability to measure obvious is how to prove the ROI on those various
return on investment. When we asked retail investments they make. What’s needed is a trusted
executives why digitization efforts were moving too outside partner to lead an analytical ROI study.”