Page 2 - Online Collaborative Learning_Neat (perbab)
P. 2

Module Name                                : Online Collaborative Learning

                  Greeting, Trainer's Photo and Email        :
                  Description of Module                      :

                         This module provides a discussion of issues related to online collaborative learning.
                  The  content  of  this  module  include:  (1)  collaborative  learning,  theories,  models,  and

                  concepts; (2) characteristics of collaborative learning; (3) collaborative learning methods;

                  (4) design of collaborative online learning; and (5) implementation of collaborative models
                  in online learning.

                  Advantages of the module

                         After  studying  this  module,  participants  are  expected  to  have  competencies
                  indicated  by  the  ability  to  explain:  (1)  collaborative  learning,  (2)  collaborative  learning

                  models  and  concepts,  (3)  steps  used  in  efforts  to  plan  and  design  collaborative  learning
                  concepts,  (4)  methods  of  implementing  collaborative  learning  in  online  learning

                  Learning Outcomes

                         1.  Understand materials related to collaborative learning, its theories, models and

                         2.  Understand  the  systematics  of  compiling,  formulating  and  designing

                             collaborative learning.
                         3.  Implement and apply collaborative models in an online learning environment.

                         4.  Enrich the way students participate in learning and collaboration.
                         5.  Build deep interaction and active student participation in group work.
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