Page 4 - St Marys Ballina Prospectus A4 12 pages_Neat
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Nurturing First Year Students                                                                 “A good

        St Mary’s Secondary School offers a warm   incoming students.  This programme
        welcome to all our first year students. We   promotes friendship, care and guidance        is of great
        understand that the transition from primary   as our senior girls keep a watchful eye
        to post primary school is a time of change   over our first years and serve as a team of   importance”
        and challenge.                      familiar faces within the student body.  We
                                            believe this is fundamental to the welfare            Catherine McAuley
                                            and well being of each student.                         Sisters of Mercy
        All our first year students are supported as
        they make this change, commencing with
        their attendance at an induction workshop   Our school prides itself on our pastoral
        to begin their St. Mary’s experience -   care programme with a dedicated team
        students are afforded an opportunity to   in place for new entrants.  This team
        enjoy a dedicated first year school day   comprises of a Year Head, Class Tutor,
        to familiarise themselves with the school   Career Guidance Teacher and Chaplain.
        campus, timetabling, lockers and book   Additionally, all first year students
        rooms.                              assemble for a weekly Pastoral Care class
                                            and an opportunity to discuss all aspects
                                            of school life.
        Our long established mentoring
        programme is an integral support for

        “The school is inclusive, student-centred and

        offers a very broad curriculum”. WSE MLL
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