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Livin’ with the LC
St. Mary’s Voice roving reporter, Elisha Ruane caught up with current
Leaving Certificate students Emma Greavy and Naw Kue A to get all the
= juicy deets on what the big LC is like!!!
WITH just a day to go to mid-term break, St. STUDY
Mary’s Leaving Certificate students Emma and TIME: LC
Naw Kue A, look decidedly relaxed – if a little students
exhausted. I decided to cut straight to the chase Emma
with my opening question: “What is Leaving Greavy and
Certificate really like and how difficult is it?” Naw Kue A
The response was equally direct. Emma didn’t studying
need time to think: “It hits you like a ton of Pic: Elisha
bricks so when it comes to school, work Ruane
ALWAYS keep on top of it.” She really
emphasised that always and noted that after But back to the here and now. School has been
unavoidably missing two weeks at the start of very different for the past 18 months. The lack of
the year, she found it very hard to catch up. activities and trips – thanks to the restrictions of
I was interested to know more about the the Covid-19 era –has taken its toll. “It is hard,
balance of work and enquired about a sometimes we feel like we have nothing o look
comparison between Fifth Year and LC – which forward to,” said Naw Kue A.
was more enjoyable and why? Both students Do you have any advice for future
thought for a minute and answered in unison leaving certs? Which Emma was quick to reply
with “ 5th year” Emma added “ At the start it by saying “ Don’t listen to your friends when it
was hard to adjust but once you got the “hang” comes to picking subjects”. Advice Naw Kue A
of things you could have the “craic” with echoed: “ Do what is best for you.” Wrapping up,
everyone” including the teachers! With all their
studying and focus on the leaving certificate, is I took the chance to ask them if they wanted to
add anything else. After a studied silence, Naw
there any time to actually focus on what they are Ku A started “the teachers” and Emma took up
going to do afterwards? Both students shared a the point “are brilliant when you want help and
look of what can only be described as sheer they aren’t constantly breathing down your
excitement and chimed in with very similar neck” which they appreciate very much. Let’s
answers. Emma said she hopes to go to college hope these two are as good at exams as they are
and “break free into a new environment” while finishing each other’s sentences! St. Mary’s
Naw Kue A added: “I just want to see what Voice wishes you every success for LC 2022 and
college life has to offer…” into the future.
Hat’s Great! By Elle Gillard HAT’S OFF:
Hats created
MS. Cronin’s TY Art Class have been taking part in by TY
a sustainable hat making contest. students
The aim of the competition is to create a hat or head piece us from
ing recycled materials or reusable materials. Students had the recycled
option to work in pairs or individually.
The task was to bring in reusable material and to design and
create a head piece. Sustainable materials included paper, Pics: Julia
plastic bottles, cardboard, potato bags and plastic straws. Timarowska
The students will be taking part in a fashion show later
and Rita Lai
in the week to showcase their hats! Yuen Wai
This is an excellent initiative to promote environmental sus-
tainability here at St. Mary’s.