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Interviews with our visiting students                                              GLOBAL
                                         LC student Caoimhe Reape, won the Mayo Garda Youth

                                      Diary of a visiting student
                                      By Laura Rafart

                                      I was asked by English teacher to write about one
                                      day of my life being an exchange student. I usually
                                      wake up around 7- 7:15am.  The first thing I

                                      normally do in the morning is put on my uniform,
                                      following that I brush my hair and I prepare my
                                      school bag.    Then I get my breakfast with my two

                                      little brothers, and brush my teeth.  Finally, I take
        IRISH LIFE: Laura Rafart      my lunch box and we drive to school.
        pictured with Sophia and                                                         Dear World…
        Bailey                        Laura

       Madrid Memories                                          Q& A with Sophia

       What is school life like in Madrid?
       Lucia Rodriguez fills us in.                             How is your life here?
                                                                In these two months my life
                                                                has changed a lot, I am very
       In Madrid, I go to a mixed school without a uniform.     happy with my host family,
       The time of entry and exit from the school is also       since they have two children
       different. In the morning I start at 8:30 and finish at   and I have a great time with them.
       2:20 or 3:15 depending on the day. My classes in         We do many things together, we cook, we go
       Madrid are 55 minutes long and here they are 40. The     shopping, we do tiktoks …
       day is so different in Spain. For example, dinnertime:   I really like Ireland because it is a very quiet
       In Spain, I have dinner at 10, more or less, but then    place, since compared to Spain there are not so
       there is a time difference to take into account. In      many cars or so much noise.
       Madrid, it is one hour later than here. The weather is   What I don't like about Ireland is the weather, as
       very different too. In Summer, it is so hot in Madrid    it is always cloudy or raining.
       we reach forty degrees and the winter is cold but not    I have made many friends, both Spanish and
       as cold as here. Also I have noticed that transport is   Irish.
       different. In Madrid, the driver is on the left side and   What do you like about the school?
       here the driver is on the right side and the lanes on the   I like it because it is a big school, with many
       road are also the opposite.                              people and everyone is very kind to us.
                                                                I like the classes, here we have many classes that

                                                                we don't have in Spain, such as chef, business
                                                                studies, safe food, mental health ...
        Lake Garda Trip for 2022                                What do you not like about school?
                                                                I do not like to wear a uniform, since in Spain we
        TRANSITION Year students are set to take to             can take the clothes we want to go to school and
        the skies to travel to Lake Garda in Italy as part      we are more comfortable.
        of their TY experience.                                 How is your host family?

                                                                The truth is that I have been very lucky with my
        The trip is scheduled for April 2022 and will be        host family, they treat me super well and we do
        the first international tour since 2019. Previous       many activities.
        TY groups have travelled to central European            They have two children, Zoe and Ryan, Zoe is 14
        tourist destinations such as Madrid, Barcelona,         and we have the same tastes, and Ryan is 8.  We
        Rome and London. Fingers crossed for take off!          live in a house in a village near Ballina
                                                                called Bonniconlon.

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