Page 6 - St Mary's Voice complete
P. 6

St. Mary’s                                 News Round-Up with Grace Harris
                                      Voice Notes
                                      Voice Notes
                                                          DAFFODILS  FOR  DYMPHNAS:  The  4A2
                                                          Community  Care  class  in  conjunction  with  St
                                                          Dymphna's school and Ballina Community Clean Up,
                                                          for  planting  daffodil  bulbs  on  behalf  of  the  Irish
                                                          Cancer  Society  on  the  grounds  of  St  Dymphna's
                                                          school. When the daffodils are in bloom the girls will
                                                          then cut them, sell them and give the proceeds to the
                                                            Irish Cancer Society.

              ST. VINCENT DE PAUL DONATIONS: TY students spent
              the first term working very hard to spear-head a donation
              drive  throughout  the  school.  The  drive  was  specifically
              focused  on  donations  of  Halloween  and  Christmas
              decorations and costumes. These items will go to
              St. Vincent de Paul Charity Shop in town and will then to the
              people  who  need  some  seasonal  joy.   This  was  a  super
              initiative  which  really  got  the  seasonal  spirit  into  the
              corridors and classrooms of St. Mary’s.

                                                              DAMIEN  DEMPSEY  VISIT:  Singer/Songwriter
                                                              Damien Dempsey visited the school in September
                                                              as  part  of  a  prize  won  by  students  Aisling
                                                              Mullarkey  and  Hope  Gillespie  after  their  song
                                                              ‘Sing  All  Our  Cares  Away’  won  a  national
                                                              competition  run  by  the  Inspiring  You  Ireland
                                                              organisation over the summer. Damien sang with
                                                              the girls and performed some of his songs. The visit
                                                              was broadcast to classrooms via Teams.  The visit
                                                              made local headlines, pictured left.

              DEBATE  SUCCESS:  Congratulations  to  our  TY
              debating  team  members  pictured  right  –  Emma
              Moran, Clodagh Loftus, Grace Harris and Thiana
              Petrovic  who  reached  the  final  of  the  Mayo
              Association  Debating  competition  held  in  Trinity
              College Dublin.
              The girls were guided by their teacher, Ms Jessica
              Wall. Congrats to the team on a superb achievement.

                                              MAYO  GARDA  AWARD:  LC  student  Caoimhe  Reape
                                              scooped the Mayo Garda Youth award for a fundraiser that saw
                                              her complete 38,750 skips during the month of March. Caoimhe
                                              devised  her  ‘Skip  to  the  Beat’  challenge  to  raise  funds  for
                                              Ballina’s Voluntary Order of Malta ambulance corps of which
                                              she  is a member.  Caoimhe  was  presented  with  her  award  by
                                              Chief Supt Ray McMahon and Supt. Joe Doherty. Caoimhe is
                                              pictured left with proud Principal, Mr. O’Reilly.
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