Page 114 - The Intentional Parent
P. 114

 Part Two
Practical Knowledge And Examples
T his section of Parenting With Intention shows every day examples that cover a wide range of parenting situations. Parenting knowledge is an important component of being
an effective leader so I have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that parents have wanted my help with over the years.
This section is like a “parenting cookbook”. Naturally, not every example will apply to you, and not every example applies to every child. I hope that by reading these examples you can mix and match strategies to give you concrete direction on how to approach common parenting challenges and then combine the knowledge with the leadership strategies we’ve learned in the first part.
Please feel free to post your own parenting challenges ar so that this knowledge base of parenting challenges can continue to grow and help others.
Here we go...
  The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 114

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