Page 91 - The Intentional Parent
P. 91
Chapter Eight Model Behavior
well as desirable. The ability to imitate behavior is an integral component of the human learning “toolbox.” We are programmed from birth to imitate language, emotion, aggression and many complex human behaviors.
The emphasis in this parenting approach is leadership, and being a role model for behavior that incentivizes success in the real world is probably the single most important leadership skill a parent can have -- but it is not easy.
Your child will take his or her cues from you regarding:
• how you manage your physical appearance • whether you drink
• whether you smoke
• how loudly you raise your voice
• how kind you are to others
• your tolerance of other races
• your religious observances
• your work ethic
• your political ideas
• your ability to love and forgive • your charitable behavior
...and those are just the first few that pop into my mind.
t should be no surprise to anyone that children imitate behavior -- lots of behavior (not only their parents behavior), and they imitate behavior that is undesirable as
The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 91