Page 12 - Luh Karuniasih_2012021042_E-book-PBA
P. 12


                    Did you know when we must use the word morning, afternoon, evening, and night?
                    In the Oxford English dictionary, it is written that morning is the period of time
                    between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon. Then the afternoon
                    starts from 12:01 through 17:59. While evening, 'evening' is short and is right when
                    the sun sets (It is when most people finish work and come back home). And night,
                    'Night' is when the sky is dark and the moon shines brightly along with many stars in

                    the sky (Many rests and sleep and night).
                    Please pay attention to picture bellow then you can practice to pronounce it!

                                                         Say “Good Morning”

                                                         if  meet someone at
                                                         between 00.00 –
                                                                                  Picture 3. Morning

                                           Say “Good                            Resources: Image by sunil
                                           Afternoon” if meet                    kargwal from Pixabay
                                           someone at between
                                           12.00 – 18.00.

                        Picture 4. Afternoon

                      Resources: Image by sunil          Say “Good
                        kargwal from Pixabay             Evening” if meet
                                                         someone at
                                                         between 18.00 –

                                                                                  Picture 5. Evening
                                             Say “Good Night“                   Resources: Image by sunil
                                             when leave                          kargwal from Pixabay
                                             someone in the
                                             evening or before
                                             going to bed.

                          Picture 6. Night
                      Resources: Image by sunil
                        kargwal from Pixabay

                                                                         E-book Telling Time        9
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