P. 106

When UN peacekeepers were stationed in Cambodia in 1993, in that
                           year the number of prostitutes rose from 6000 to more than 25000. The
                           UN  response  was  that  boys  are  boys…  In  1995  in  Bosnia  and
                           Herzegovina,  evidence  emerged  that  women  and  girls  were  being
                           trafficked to work as sex slaves for UN personnel. Did the UN prosecute
                           any traffickers? It changed the definition of trafficking, making it less
                           severe under international law.
                             Many independent consultants rose the alarm that UN and NGOs
                           staff  (main  NGOs  are  another  tool  of  the  Illuminati  for  human
                           trafficking and to avoid taxation, as I expose soon) abused and exploited
                           local  women  and  girls  in  refugee  camps  in  Guinea,  Liberia,  Sierra
                           Leone and Central African Republic. From Haiti to Somalia and from
                           Rwanda to East Timor, UN personnel creates hell… In Liberia, 58000
                           women and girls were raped in the first nine years of UN military, more
                           75% by UN personnel. In Sarajevo, Bosnia, Italian peacekeepers ran
                           child  prostitution  rings.  There  were  many  investigations,  but  the
                           perpetrators who admitted their crimes were never prosecuted.

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