P. 107

I.X. The depopulation policy of the Illuminati

                             The Georgia Guidestones. Another lie. In Georgia, U.S., on a hill
                           in Orange County there is a granite monument built in 1980 and called
                           the Georgia Guidestones. The monument was commissioned by a man
                           who used the name of R. C. Christian. You already know who he is.
                           The monument consists of four massive standing stones, one slab stone
                           at  the  top  carried  by  a  pillar  stone  plus  one  explanatory  stone.  The
                           monument is an astronomical clock and calendar focused on the Sun,
                           the  Moon,  the  equinoxes,  and  the  solstices,  but  the  stones  contain
                           information about a future Earth.
                             A  message  is  ascribed  all  around  the  topstone  in  four  ancient
                           languages: Babylonian, classical Greek, Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian:
                           “Maintain  humanity  under  500  million  in  perpetual  balance  with
                           nature.  Guide  reproduction  wisely,  improving  fitness  and  diversity.
                           Unite  humanity  with  a  living  new  language,  rule  passions,  faiths,
                           traditions,  and  all  things  with  tempered  reason.  Protect  people  and
                           nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally
                           resolving  external  disputes  in  a  world  court.  Avoid  petty  laws  and
                           useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Cries truth,
                           beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite. Being not a cancer on
                           the Earth. Leave room for nature, leave room for nature.”
                             This is the softened and more digestible version of the Protocols of
                           Zion.  In  short,  the  message  means  population  control  through  the
                           annihilation of a large part of the population and pacific reproduction
                           through  eugenics.  In  fact,  Illuminati  want  one  language,  one-world
                           court, social duties over personal life, and reason over passion.
                             Nature must be over the human race because we are the cancer of
                           the Earth and they want an Age of reason, not the age of love, wisdom,
                           compassion,  or  an  age  of  abundance  for  all.  In  reality,  the  Georgia
                           Guidestones is another strategic lie. They hide their true intentions by
                           preparing the introduction of their new mantra, the term sustainability.

                             The Club of Rome. The Club of Rome is a group of 100 Illuminati
                           set up in 1968 by David Rockefeller for discussing about the future of
                           Earth  and  to  come  up  with  solutions.  In  1972,  the  Club  of  Rome

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