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Then  there  is  the  Population  Council,  a  non-profit  organization
                           aimed  at  eugenics  and  population.  Eugenics  intends  to  improve  the
                           genetic quality of the human race. Remember sadistic experiments in
                           concentration  camps  during  WWII.  The  Population  Council  was
                           founded in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III (1906-1978).
                             Modern civilization has reduced natural selection by saving ‘weak’
                           lives and enabling them to reproduce, resulting in a downward trend in
                           genetic  quality.  The  genetic  quality  had  to  be  protected  and  so  the
                           Population  Council  was  set  up  to  reduce  the  world  population.
                           Rockefeller  was  the  first  president  of  the  organization  and  he  was
                           succeeded by members of the AES (American Eugenics Society). Early
                           grants  supported studies  in  embryonic development  and sterilization
                           experiments on women with bad hereditary history.
                             Once again, the Population Council is linked with the depopulation
                           program  of  the  Illuminati.  The  intra  uterine  device  they  force  on
                           millions of women in India, Pakistan, South Korea and Taiwan, cause
                           side  effects  such  as  severe  pains,  protracted  bleeding,  pelvic
                           inflammatory disease, and perforated uterus. Nonetheless, with the help
                           of the corrupted governments of these countries, who are paid millions
                           of dollars, birth control measures continue.
                             The ultimate Illuminati monsters are the countless NGOs connected
                           directly  or  indirectly  to  the  UN.  NGO  means  Non  Governmental
                           Organization that means they don't have to pay tax as they are non-
                           profit organizations. Although they make astronomical piles of money,
                           they  are tax exempt under the  Internal  Revenue  Code section 501c.
                           Most of them are 501c(3) and 501c(4). There are 37 NGOs worldwide
                           advocating  negative  population  growth  and  repeating  over  and  over
                           again the words: sustainability, overpopulation and environment. It’s
                           just brainwashing.
                             Planned Parenthood is the most maleficent NGO. The International
                           Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in Brooklyn, New York,
                           in  1917  by  Margaret  Sanger  (1879-1966)  as  a  birth  control  clinic.
                           Sanger wrote: “The most merciful things that the large family does to
                           one of its members is to kill it”. In 1942, the name Planned Parenthood
                           was chosen and this NGO grew into a huge enterprise with more than
                           600 abortion clinics in the U.S. where approximately 350000 babies

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