P. 117
I.XI. Soros and Gates: two criminals
How the Protocols of Zion, Agenda 21 and 30 are rolled out in
practice. George Soros. Soros is one of the most important heads of
the Illuminati; he is member of the Council of Five Illuminati. He is
responsible for his destabilizing and dividing mega projects, such as the
migrant caravan, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. His net worth $1
trillion. He was born in Hungary and after WWII moved to England and
then to the U.S.
He made a fortune with his hedge funds and his merciless ways to
manipulate the financial market, using crisis to increase his wealth and
power. He says; “I'm here to make money. I cannot do not look at the
social consequences of what I do”. He finances NAMBLA (North
American Man Boy Love Association) whose slogan is: “Sex before
eight, before it's too late”. He finances pedophile clubs such as Number
Soros finances Antifa, a so-called Anti-Fascist movement, whose
actions are nothing but violence and show great resemblance with
fascism, which is strange for an Antifascist movement. The same goes
for Black Lives Matter, that serves only to create division by skin. Soros
wants only create division between us. Divisions by skin color, political
wing, religion or gender because divided people are easier to rule.
For instance, the migrant caravan that he headed to the southern
border of the U.S in April 2018, was long-time covered by the media.
People came mostly from Honduras, where the caravan started, and
from Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Mexico. The main reasons
to flee their home country were gang violence and poverty. These
people walked 45 miles a day, every day for one and a half months on
flip flops. But they didn't look exhausted, nor dirty or sweaty. They
were well shed. They weren’t refugees…
The producers next time should pay more attention to the details.
Refugees walking for thousands of miles don't wear flip flops. They
don't buy brand new thing. They don’t polish their nails, neither do they
have perfect hair and makeup when they flee the country because
they're so poor they can't buy food. They don’t have digital cameras and