P. 122

causes temporal sterility. Why was it in the tetanus vaccines?
                             It was told to the pregnant Kenyan women that the vaccine protected
                           the unborn babies against tetanus if they got five shots at six monthly
                           intervals. The result: 500.000 babies were spontaneously aborted and
                           500.000  women  sterilized.  The  Kenyan  government  denied  that  the
                           vaccine has caused the disaster and President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta,
                           who followed Gates money, was accused of crimes against humanity.
                             Gates and the WHO spent millions of dollars to corrupt governments
                           of poor countries to make their vaccination experiments.  Up until April
                           2020,  WHO  bigger  sponsor  was  the  American  government.  Gates
                           Foundation was number two. When Trump announced the end of the
                           funding, Gates became the biggest funder of the WHO and now he owns
                           it: “The [Gates] foundation's impact on the WHO is enormous. If they
                           weren't there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious
                           impact would be profound and everyone is all too aware of that.”

                                               Image 15. Gates owns the WHO.

                             WHO  is  owned  by  Bill  Gates  and  its  Director  General,  Tedros
                           Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is a puppet whose strings are moved by Gates
                           and Clintons, three very evil Illuminati. In 2018, another scandal came
                           to light. Before Tedros became Director General of the WHO, he held

                             57   Laurie  Garrett.  Council  of  Foreign  Relations.  Quoted  in  the  awarded
                           documentary  created  by  Ossebaard  Janet,  The  fall  of  the  Cabal,  Parts  1-10.  Url.

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