P. 127
producer from the Netherlands. We know that a manufacturing facility
in the Netherlands is only seven minutes away from an abortion facility.
The EMA (European Medicine Agency) clinic in the city of Enschede.
Bearing in mind that the Netherlands has only 15 abortion facilities.
Gates believes the wealthiest countries will switch to eating 100%
synthetic beef.
How Gates makes money and pushes depopulation with his fake
vaccines. All current Covid-19 so-called vaccines are the result of
synthetic biology. They have not been tested, nor approved. They are
referred to us as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), which means
nothing and they are in an experimental phase until 2023. By injecting
a synbio product into your body, you could be changed into one of
Gates' products. A synbio genetically modified product. Do you realize
that we are paying for our own depopulation?
In 2000 Gates set GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization) then called GAVI - the Vaccine Alliance, and he
sponsored it with 4 440 000 000 dollars. In addition, Gates pledged
another 1.6 billion dollars for 2021-25. GAVI decide the price for
vaccines, which is always too high. GAVI is filled with
representatives from the WHO, the Gates Foundation, the UNICEF and
the World Bank. In 2018, GAVI donated 388 million dollars to the
Image 18. Bill Gates tentacles
59 Dr. Joseph Mercola, The ‘WHO whistleblower’ who is blowing the whistle on
Bill Gates and GAVI. Url.