P. 119

In the early 1980s, the WHO-UNICEF performed what they called
                           “a  natural  experiment  in  an  urban  community  in  Guinea  Bissau”,  a
                           country in West Africa. Babies between three and five months of age
                           were given a DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccination. In 2017,
                           a research paper was published in several scientific journals. The study
                           showed  that  vaccinated  children  had  fivefold  higher  mortality  than
                           unvaccinated children: “In this natural experiment vaccinated children
                           had  5-fold  higher  mortality  than  not-yet-DTP-vaccinated  children.
                           Hence  DTP  may  be  associated  with  a  negative  effect  on  child
                             UNICEF  continued  the  DTP  program  in  Africa.  An  unknown
                           number of babies died. Nothing was done other than burying the data
                           and sweeping it under the carpet. In 2000 it was already known in the
                           U.S. that oral polio vaccine frequently caused paralysis. In the UK, the
                           polio vaccination program was stopped in 2004 because of this proven
                           link  between  polio  vaccine  and  paralysis.  However,  the  vaccination
                           program continued for 13 more years with devastating effects in India.
                           Between 2004-2017, the Gates Foundation massively imposed its new
                           polio vaccine on Indian children. 500.000 children under the age of five
                           became paralyzed.

                                               Image 11 and 12. The killer at work…

                             56   Wengel  Mogensen  Søren,  Andersen  Andreas,  Rodrigues  Amabelia,  Benn
                           Christine S., Aaby Peter (2017). The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and
                           Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural
                           Experiment.  eBioMedecine.  Part  of  The  Lancet  Discovery  Science.  Open  Access
                           Published: January 31, 2017. Url.

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