P. 120
In 2017, the WHO admitted that the global explosion in polio was
mostly caused by the mutated polio strains used in vaccines. Indian
people were furious and the Gates Foundation was thrown out of the
country in 2017. Less than two years later they were allowed to back in
and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was awarded by Bill Gates
for his efforts to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The
power of money…
To make a long story short, there was a nasty virus that paralyzed
people. The WHO named it ‘wild polio virus’ and asked his minions
(Dr Jonas Salk) to create a vaccine. They created two types of vaccine:
one that had to be injected, and one that only needed a few drops into a
child's mouth. The droplets, called ‘oral polio vaccine’ were much
cheaper to fabricate. The poorest African countries caught the cheapest
droplets and the rich countries got the ones with a needle… But the
droplets started causing major problems because, according to the
WHO, it contained alive — yet weakened — the virus activating an
immune response in the body.
The weakened virus didn’t die in the body and became stronger and
started causing mayhem in children. Those who had the oral polio
vaccine developed identical symptoms to the original ‘wild polio virus’
and got paralyzed.
Images 13 and 14. The effects of Gates’ fake vaccines in Africa and India.
At first, the WHO stated that this occurred very rarely, but as the
numbers of paralyzed children grew, it admitted it was due to what they
called ‘mutated polio strains inside the vaccine’ and after VDPV
(vaccine derived polio virus). There was no compensation for half a
million paralyzed children and the Gates Foundation wasn’t prosecuted.