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its resources was to create stability by reducing the population. The
result, a massacre worldwide documented by several research papers
ignored by the mainstream media and by the UN. Below, I give just two
examples of many more: China and Peru.
China's one-child policy started in 1979. In 2015, this policy was
changed into a two-child policy if the first baby was a girl. The United
Nations Population Fund denied being involved in forced abortions, but
its documents show it donated more than $100 million to China's
population control program. It financed a $12 million computer
complex to monitor the population program, provided the technical
expertise and trained thousands of Chinese control officials.
China developed tracking systems and computer surveillance
programs to keep track of women's monthly cycles. If a woman was
pregnant, the program knew immediately whether the baby was a first
or a second, and whether her first child was a girl. If the system showed
the baby in her body was not allowed by the government, she was
arrested and obliged to a forced abortion. After the forced abortion, the
fetus or baby was left with his mother, either in bed or in a bucket. No
support system for the traumatized parents of this monstrous practice.
“China’s population control policies are the longest-running and
most far-reaching violations of human rights the world has ever
seen. Since 1979 — first through the ‘one-child policy’ and now
through a ‘two-child policy’ — the government of China has sanctioned
state-sponsored violence and massive discrimination against women
and children — particularly the girl child. The Chinese government
boasts that four hundred million Chinese children were ‘prevented’
because of its efforts. Let me put that number into perspective. The total
number of people killed by various Communist and Fascists regimes in
the 20 Century — Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot combined
— is estimated to be around 100 million. (The Black Book of
Communism, S. Courtois, 1997). How many of these 400 million
children of China were ‘prevented’ through coerced abortions or
sterilization? How many women were mocked, belittled, humiliated,
and even hunted down because they were pregnant with a child the
government did not permit? In China, abortion has been used as a
weapon of mass destruction. Hundreds of millions of lives have been