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international influenza database.
                             April 25. The WHO declares a health international emergency… for four people!
                             April 28. The FDA approves a new CDC test to detect H1N1 infections. In two
                           weeks this test is developed and FDA approved.
                             In July, three months after the first infection in the U.S., the CDC
                           stops keeping track of new infections: “We found that by the third week
                           of July, the CDC advised to stop testing the individual cases of H1N1
                           flu and they stopped counting individual cases. The rationale the CDC
                           gave  was  that:  why  continue  wasting  resources  tracking  when  we
                           already established there is an epidemic.”
                             What followed was identical to the Sars-Cov-2 script, but here there
                           was no lockdown and they suddenly stopped. The WHO declared the
                           end of the pandemic in August 2010. Why? On October 21, 2009 CBS
                           investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson declared: “If you can diagnose
                           what probable or presumed 2009 H1N1 or swine flu in recent months.
                           You will be surprised to know this. The odds are you didn't have H1N1
                           flu. In fact, you probably didn't have at all, only a small fraction of cases
                           that  doctors  flagged  as  most  likely  to  be  swine  flu  actually  tested
                           positive for swine flu estate lab. The vast majority of the cases were
                             There were no real cases, contrary to what the public was told by the
                           mainstream media, but Atkisson shocking discoveries were not heard
                           on TV. It was Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, lung specialist and former Chair
                           of the Health Committee at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
                           of Europe, who told the world that the swine flu was only a mild flu.
                             He showed that the vaccines producers, Big Pharma, intentionally
                           spread  panic  about  a  mild  disease.  According  to  Dr.  Wodarg  they
                           ordered  to  the  WHO  to  define  the  swine  flu  as  a  pandemic  and  he
                           branded the HIN1 outbreak as: “One of the greatest medical scandals
                           of  the  century”.  He  added:  “We  have  had  a  mild  flu  and  a  false

                             73  CBS Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson

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