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SPARS, for real it was SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
Their futuristic guide focused on communication challenges about
the development and rollout of the vaccine. Every detail had been
worked out including: how to overrule antivaxxers and the vital role of
the mainstream media and social media. Hollywood stars promoted the
vaccine and there were fake interviews with alleged antivaxxers whose
children were infected and had been saved at the last minute by the
vaccine. Thus, in 2017 Illuminati were ready to kill us following Bill
Gates assertion: “An epidemic either naturally caused or intentionally
caused is the most likely thing to cause, say, 10 million excess death”.
In 2019, Illuminati described what they prepared for us in the Netflix
series Hearth Pandemic. How to prevent an outbreak. about the
development of a universal vaccine. The main sponsor of the series
was… Bill Gates! Later, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
with the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation organized,
Event 2001. A global pandemic exercise, that took place in New York,
enacting the outbreak of the coronavirus. The exercise empathized the
problem of information about vaccines.
In 2009, Illuminati plan to create a highly contagious and deadly
virus failed because Dr. Wodarg revealed to the world that the new virus
was just an ordinary winter flu. So, they understood they needed a
strategy to terrorize people and spent millions of dollars in the Wuhan
Institute of Virology with the support of criminals like Fauci.
They tried to create a virus able to jump from bats to humans and
from humans to other humans, but there was a problem. For instance,
when a virus infected tick bites a human being and he gets sick, he
cannot transmit the disease to another person. In nature, it takes many
decades for a virus to adapt to the DNA of the host, to feed itself,
multiplies and become contagious. Illuminati had to work around the
problem. For this reason, they needed a ‘gain of function’, a way
allowing the animal virus to enter the human body and change the DNA.
74 Bill Gates Stating That An ‘Intentionally Caused Epidemic Is The Most Likely
Thing To Cause 10 Million Excess Deaths’. Url.
ing-to-cause-10-million-excess-deaths/ Url.