P. 146
Image 26. This man stopped Illuminati
Dr. Wodarg was a well-respected physician and politician. His
message on TV reached many millions of people and Illuminati not
expected that. Their plan was still imperfect, but they understood that
the mistake was in the communication. The solution lied: 1) in the
simultaneous deployment of all communication means and messages,
2) in their unstoppable repetition and 3) in the suppression of every
In 2015, five years before the official upgrade of covid-19, during a
TED event Bill Gates told the world that the greatest risk of global
catastrophe wasn’t a nuclear war, but a virus. The picture of the virus
he showed was almost identical to covid-19, but only the Adepts, the
Illuminati insiders, understood that all was ready…
The name ‘covid-19’ was introduced by the WHO on February 11,
2020 — but it existed from a very longtime — to start a fake pandemic,
to empoison billions of people with fake vaccines and establish the
satanic NWO. In 2017, ‘The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028’ was
published by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. This
manual contained a futuristic scenario for public health risks
communicators that was identical to covid-19 pandemic.
The virus wasn't called covid-19 but ‘a novel Coronavirus’, In fact,
covid-19 was called ‘a novel Coronavirus’ during the first week of the
outbreak. Moreover, if in the fictitious case the virus was called