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aliens, or the case of children of Christian parents who rebel against
                           them and become New Age ‘Flower Children’ Wiccan witches.
                             Fallen  angels,  Nephilim  aliens  and  chimera  aliens  have  sex  with
                           huge numbers of Hindu women, Mormon women, Druid women, Nazi
                           women,  Scientology  women,  Voodoo  women,  Native  American
                           shaman women, and Moonies women, in order to breed an army of
                           Nephilim mutants to fight Lord Jesus when He returns at Armageddon.
                           Devils  have  sexual  intercourse  with  them  to  breed  invisible  4th
                           dimensional hybrid Nephilim children in their wombs. The fetuses are
                           removed after a few months to be raised on spaceships, other planets or
                           underground bases to form an army to fight Lord Jesus at his Second-
                             For the same reason, children are abused by Illuminati LGBTP, so
                           demon spirits of Satanist rapists are infused into children and into pagan
                           occult narcotic criminal gangs. Many people sell their soul to the devil
                           for Hollywood and music industry fame or for sex, drugs, wealth, and
                           so on.
                             The reason why Satan never has a shortage of humans — even when
                           he uses them as pawns to be killed, sacrificed, soul-scalped or have their
                           bodies stolen by Nephilim, chimeras and fallen angels — is because
                           there  are  always  dumb  human  beings.  Too  many  people  love  self,
                           supernatural  powers,  money,  occult  knowledge,  fame,  drug  or  sex,
                           rather  than  God  and  Jesus  self-sacrificial  love,  righteousness  and
                           compassion. They are leading our species to destruction.
                             Anyway,  soon  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  embodied  in
                           Illuminati NWO leaders no longer will need Wicca witches for their
                           human  replacement  program.  Until  now,  witches  used  the  abortion
                           energy, or CERN and other star gates and wormhole-type portals to
                           allow Nephilim, chimera aliens  and fallen angels to return  from the
                           Abyss  on  Saturn  (Saturn,  Satan),  where  God  imprisoned  them.  But
                           when Earth will align with Saturn, 200 million of the worst entities will
                           come here.
                             In  the  ’40s,  after  Nazis  opened  ancient  wormhole  portals,  some
                           Nephilim,  chimera  aliens  and  fallen  angels  returned  and  produced
                           hybrids. Then, hybrid Nephilim witches grew up and in the ’60s became
                           ‘Flower  Children’,  New  Age  Wicca  witches.  They  started:  ‘sexual

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