P. 280

liberation witchcraft’, ‘narcotics witchcraft’, ‘alien contact necromancy
                           witchcraft’,  ‘alien  abduction  of  witches  for  sperm-eggs-DNA  and
                           production  of  hybrid  children  to  replace  humans  (now  33.3%)’,
                           ‘demon-possession  by  Jezebel  (rebellion  spirit)  witchcraft’,
                           ‘environmentalism  Gaia  witchcraft’,  ‘rock  music  demon-possession
                           witchcraft’,  and  ‘television-Hollywood  brainwash  black  magic
                             Now  all  these  evil  spirits  are  again  on  Earth,  humans  practicing
                           witchcraft  are  exterminated  and  replaced  by  the  returned  Nephilim
                           aliens  and  chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  globalist  elites,  just  like  in
                           Atlantis days. Many Draconian and Pleiadean Nephilim and chimera
                           aliens  incarnated  in  globalist  elites  use cloned bodies of Hollywood
                           actors, models, television celebrities and politicians because they love
                           to be worshipped by humans.
                             This  untouchable  elite  is  composed  of  royal  families,  presidents,
                           prime  ministers,  congress-parliament  members  of  democratic,
                           conservative  or  liberal  communist  party  members,  popes,  church
                           ministers, Hollywood celebrities, corporate leaders, CIA, NSA, MI6,
                           FBI  directors,  court  judges,  COPs,  etc.  They  are  fake  Christians,
                           Muslims, Zionists, Communists, etc.
                             Now you know that NWO globalist elites are just Nephilim aliens
                           and chimera aliens that are the offspring of the fallen angels in cloned
                           hybrid  human  avatar  bodies  and  stolen  ‘walk  in’  human  bodies.
                           Therefore, all that they do is to create death, disease, poverty, suffering,
                           pain and curses with their witchcraft. They drink adrenochrome blood
                           to  stay  young  and  decorate  their  walls  with  trophies  made  of  our
                           children’s genitals. They attack anyone who expose their evils, while
                           millions and millions of religious Christians hide in silence and fear of
                             These monsters claim that man is a fallen creature from which God
                           had originally  created them  too.  They  only look for scapegoats  and
                           don’t stop murdering their fellow humans and hating each other in war.
                           Billions of adults and children don’t have enough to eat every day, but
                           globalist  elites  spend  trillions  of  dollars  of  our  tax  money  on  their
                           underground  cities,  space  fleets,  space  station  death  stars,  and  huge
                           armies on Mars, Ceres and on 5000 spaceships of the Nazi 4  Reich

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