P. 282

infused by their slave-control LGBTP demon spirits, you cannot get any
                           higher position in military, government, Hollywood, Vatican, police,
                           courts,  media,  colleges,  corporations,  CIA,  NSA,  MI6,  FBI,  CPS,
                           churches, banking, etc.
                             When you dabble with the occult or New Age witchcraft or secret
                           societies,  you  are  giving  Satan  the  permission  to  be  abducted  to  an
                           underground  Nazi  U.S.  military  laboratory  alien  base  (MILAB
                           abductions). Inside the underground Nazi U.S. military alien base, they
                           soul-scalp you and steal your body and memory. They can also replace
                           you with a clone avatar for: 1) a Draconian chimera alien, 2) a Mantis
                           chimera alien, 3) a Pleiadean Watcher fallen angel alien, 4) a tall Grey
                           hybrid alien, 5) a Sirian chimera alien or 6) an Arcturian chimera alien.
                             I know it seems unbelievable, but they want exactly you think
                           that it’s impossible. They are masters of deceit!
                             You have to be a Satanist and sell your soul to the devil, in order to
                           become a politician or corporate leader or Hollywood celebrity or idol
                           singer  or  CIA,  NSA,  MI6,  FBI  leader  or  anyone  else  in  the  secret
                           societies of the NWO. You have to be a Satanist and sell your soul to
                           the devil, in order to receive promotions in companies, governments,
                           churches or any other organization.
                             This is why 90% of Hollywood Illuminati New Age Wicca witches
                           have been soul-scalped and replaced by fallen angels, Nephilim aliens
                           and  chimera  aliens  embodied  in  human  hybrids.  33.3%  of  Earth’s
                           population is already composed of soul-scalped changelings.

                                          Images 22 and 23. They have some problem too…

                             Nazi 5th Reich imperial clone army is infiltrating military and police
                           and 40 to 60 million people are MILAB abducted every year as: child

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