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aliens embodied in cloned hybrid bodies are sacrificing our children, in
                           order to generate negative life force energy to open up all their CERN
                           wormhole-type portals and other star gates. By this way, many demonic
                           entities are returning to our realm from the Abyss on Saturn in these End
                           Times and more hybrids are coming from the underground bases.
                             The reason why Satanist billionaires, like Bill Gates, conduct their
                           LGBTPB  (Lesbian  Gay  Bisexual  Transvestite  Pedophile  Bestiality)
                           orgies by using lined up naked children sex slaves when certain planets
                           align, is to be able to communicate with fallen angels which give them
                           information through opened portals. They do it six times a year. It is
                           like  the  rituals  practiced  at  Stonehenge  or  the  pagan  festivals  that
                           Satanist pastors celebrate in their churches.
                             Satan and his top fallen angels will use the red-haired reptilian rhesus
                           negative blood Nephilim descendants of the witchy race of Atlantis, and
                           other groups, to revive Vril occult energy. They will do it to bring back
                           the worst fallen angels from the Abyss, where God imprisoned them
                           after Atlantis flood. The worst ones are kept in the abyss on Saturn and
                           in the Tartarus, far below the Earth.
                             The reptilian fallen  angels  from  Orion  star system  will return  on
                           Earth once real Christians and their Holy Spirit have been raptured up
                           to  heaven.  Satan  and  his  fallen  angels’  top  hierarchy,  the  ‘White
                           Brotherhood’,  will  release  them  in  order  to  fight  Lord  Jesus  at
                           Armageddon. It will be comical to see the fallen angels trying to fight
                           against  the  Almighty  Creator  of  the  Master  Universe  and  His
                           Eternal Son incarnated in Jesus, our Savior.
                             Satan, his fallen angels and their Draconian reptilian chimera aliens
                           living in the hybrid bodies of Black Nobility rulers are planning to align
                           Saturn with our planet. They want to connect the Abyss of Saturn —
                           where  the  worst  fallen  angels,  Nephilim,  chimeras,  titans  and  other
                           monsters  were  imprisoned  by  God  after  Atlantis  flood  —  with  the
                           Earth’s  Abyss,  in  order  to  release  them  upon  our  planet.  They  are
                           planning a jail break.
                             When the four master fallen angels and their army of two hundred
                           million Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens will come out of the Abyss
                           to kill us, it will be too late. Bible prophesies that in the End Times
                           people are extremely wicked because they love only money, pleasure,

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