P. 285
side because Trump will not drain the swamp in Washington D.C.,
Pentagon, Disneyland, the Vatican, UN, EU, Buckingham Palace, etc.
At present, 33.3% non-human returned Nephilim aliens and chimera
aliens incarnated in human hybrid cloned avatar bodies are already on
Earth. This is the final ultimatum to millions and millions of worthless
religious Christians. They are worshipping Illuminati 501c(3) fake
pastors which rejected God’s love.
They worship Jezebel, Sananda Jesus and their Satanist Western
values. Sananda Jesus of the Illuminati 501c(3) churches is a fake Jesus.
He is the son of the hermaphrodite, pedophile and cannibal Pleiadean
alien Watcher fallen angel Semjaza (Nazi Semjase). He bathes in
human virgins’ blood and eats his sex partners. He is the ‘Jesus’ of the
Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens incarnated in Wicca witches.
6000 years old Atlantis companies like Monarch Solutions
Company, Mobius Company, covid-19’s Umbrella Company, Murkoff,
Scorpion, Cyber Life and Trinity companies are conducting
experiments on behalf of fallen angels’ top hierarchy. The chief
‘scientist’ of Umbrella Company is Bill Gates. Fallen angels are
killing millions of people using a biochemical weapon — their fake
covid-19, its fake mutations and fake vaccines. They harvest their souls
into cyborg bodies on the Moon or sell them to the black market.
Satan and his NWO require all Muslim followers of Prophet
Muhammad to make a pilgrimage once in their lifetime to Mecca to kiss
the Kaaba. This is a black meteoritic stone containing ‘black goo AI
nanite’ for mind-control. When Muslims kiss the stone, they are
infected by the ‘black goo AI nanite’ and can be mind-controlled
anytime to blow up buildings and conduct mass shooting.
When 5G frequency will activate the DNA of all the people
‘vaccinated’ with the alien DNA of Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens,
this mutant army will transform into werewolves, wolverines,
wendigos, chupacabras, vampires, cyclops, scarlet witches and many
other apocalyptic forms.
Umbrella Company’s astral cybernetic worms are infecting billions
of humans through the Internet and control all forms of addiction: drug,
alcohol, gambling, credit card purchasing, masturbation, video games,
food, Internet, TV, tobacco, plastic surgery, etc. Witches infuse demon