P. 344

Aquino operates the adrenochrome children’s blood farm from the St.
                           Mawgan Royal Air Force base. It is an underground base of the Draco
                           Nazi 4  Reich.
                             Robert David Steele, a Nazi SS 4  Reich and CIA leader (‘good guys
                           heroes  role’  faction)  says  that  the  kidnapped  children  —  farm  bred
                           children or family bred children — last about 2 years because of the
                           harsh  conditions  of  rape,  sodomy,  torture  and  the  adrenochrome
                           harvesting  made  by  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  alien  incarnated  in
                           Wicca witches. Children are thrown into human food supply when they
                           die or are killed.
                             Steel reports that 8 million children are abducted globally every year,
                           and 800000 children are abducted in the U.S. alone every year. This
                           doesn’t include the massive number of children who are grown on the
                           child sex slave and human meat farms or in families that sell them for
                           profit. These children are all unregistered with the government and have
                           no  birth  certificates.  There  is  also  a  massive  number  of  children
                           imported for sex and food from foreign nations through the borders.
                             NWO-FBI  and  police  are  part  of  the  CPS  agency  abduction  of
                           human children to sell to non-human Illuminati avatars. They are selling
                           our  human  children  to  the  known  pedophile  Nephilim  aliens  and
                           chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  avatar  families.  They  not  only  rape
                           children but use them to make money with their child sex trafficking.
                             Laura Worley was a child sex slave for the current U.S. president
                           when Hillary/Hilarion controlled the malfunctioning Joe Biden’s clone.
                           The original evil Hillary Clinton was killed by a human patriot  just
                           before she started WWIII. Now any demonic spirit can enter this hybrid
                           clone. Laura saw Draco Pleiadean hybrid Hillary/Hilarion and other
                           leaders to rape, torture, sacrifice and eat a lot of little human girls all
                           the  time.  The  number  of  girls  killed  by  Hillary/Hilarion  is  beyond
                             All the world leaders, Hollywood celebrities, idol singers, company
                           managers,  military  leaders,  church  leaders  and  royal  families  are
                           members of a sisterhood of pedophile cannibal lesbian hybrid avatar
                           witches, who are the Earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers. Remember that
                           in  Satan’s  system  all  is  inversed.  As  a  result,  Draco  hybrid  female
                           human  bodies  receive  male  demonic  spirits  and  Draco  hybrid  male

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