P. 346

Laura says that Illuminati witches have Jezebel fertility cult demonic
                           spirits sent into them through rituals, even when they were in the womb
                           of their mothers, and often satanic ritual abuses continue over many
                           generations. She says that these witches think to control demonic spirits
                           but, in reality, demonic spirits control them.
                             Laura confirmed that each secret society, cult, military faction, CIA,
                           NSA,  MI6,  FBI,  mafia,  terrorist  group  or  any  other  Illuminati  sub-
                           groups you belong to, do ritual sacrifice, witchcraft and invoke demonic
                           spirits. She assured that the only power that can cast demons out is
                           the name and authority of Lord Jesus, because all demons know
                           who He is.
                             Laura affirmed that everyone who is mind-programmed has demons
                           attached, because the millions and millions of people who have their
                           minds  fragmented  have  demonic  spirits  placed  into  each  of  the
                           fragmented parts. Demonic spirits control and use them to satisfy their
                           own  desires  as  sex  slaves,  assassins,  space  fleet  crews,  spies,
                           messengers, alien diplomacy, cyborgs or super soldiers.
                             They use Starlink satellites to drive people’s cars off cliffs, or to turn
                           the  cargo  ship  to  show  the  ‘Evergreen’  mark  on  the  side.  This  is  a
                           message  concerning  thousands  of  children  kidnapped  by
                           Hillary/Hilarion. The code name of her CIA child-trafficking global
                           organization is ‘Evergreen’. Walmart’s code name for child trafficking
                           is ‘Ever Given’.
                             The message is that children destined to become human meat food,
                           sex slaves, or to be sacrificed (until 13 years old) are ready for shipment.
                           This means that they are ready to be sold on the darknet. Thus, when
                           Hillary/Hilarion  wears  green  clothes  this  fact  signify  that  human
                           children have been kidnapped and prepared for sale.
                             Hillary/Hilarion’s communist Satanists and Donald Trump’s Nazi
                           ‘Black Sun’ Satanists work together and rape together at the Misty Isle
                           Farm  child  brothels.  Reptilian  hybrid  globalist  elites  disguised  as
                           Christians feed the Boy Scouts on the island with the leftover human
                           meat of raped and sacrificed children. All the underground dungeons,
                           where kidnapped children are suffering, are run by reptilian Nazi SS
                             Both  Clinton  and  Trump  work  for  the  Rothschilds.  The

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