P. 350
George Bush, Hubert Humphrey, Gordon Dean, Edward Teller, Nathan
F. Twining, John M. Pointdexter. Other members were: Richard C.
Lindsay, Charles P. Noyes, Frank Pace Jr., McGeorge Bundy, N. E.
Halaby, and Walter Bedell Smith.
In the documents of Majestic 12 quoted in 2010 by Kendrick Frazier
(The Hundredth Monkey: And Other Paradigms of the Paranormal,
Prometheus Books, Publishers, 2010, pp. 338) we find: James Forrestal,
Gordon Gray, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Jerome Clarke Hunsaker,
Donald H. Menzel, Robert M. Montague, Sidney Souers, Hoyt
Vandenberg. At present, Donald Trump, the Clintons, Obama, Soros
and other Illuminati members hierarchy are members of MJ-12.
The ‘Space Force’ is just to cover up the space fleet that real
Christians exposed, so that Illuminati can say they invented the space
fleet technologies recently, although they had them from hundreds of
years. This is necessary until they exterminate the humans or transform
them into Borg hive-mind zombies.
Trump and the AntiChrist want to get rid of Lord Jesus — who is the
only true Savior of Humanity — to bring all the religions of the world
under Satan. Satan’s religion on Earth worships Sananda Jesus who is
a Nephilim master fallen angel and the god of all the Christian hordes
of Illuminati churches 501c(3).
Illuminatus Ceres planet Nazi 4 Reich “Black Sun” Draco reptilian
chimera alien incarnate avatar Donald Trump’s henchman, UK ex-
prime minister Boris Johnson, admitted that Nazi-CIA shadow rogue
government controls the world and that Brexit was just a hoax.
Brexit was a fake to keep the End Times generation of human beings
docile and to divert attention away from what real Christians exposed
about Satan and Illuminati, so they came up with: Brexit, Donald
Trump, Q, the ‘Great Awakening’ and the fake ‘truth movement of New
Age Wicca witches’.
People not listen to what real Christians say and they only listen to
their Draco avatar pastors and Donald Trump. In order to set up the
NWO, Satan and MJ-12 Nazi leader Trump need the military, CIA,
NSA, MI6, FBI and police under the control of their Nephilim aliens
and chimera aliens.