P. 353

President George Bush Junior participated in a lesson at a Florida
                           elementary school. The children in the class were forced to read out
                           aloud — by a Nephilim alien incarnated in a Nazi ‘Black Sun’ Wicca
                           witch — the following words in rapid succession: “Kite hit steel plane
                             There was absolutely no reason why the teacher made the children
                           read these specific words before starting textbook lessons. The word
                           ‘kite’ refers to their TR3B (now TR3G) triangular spaceships. Twin
                           Towers  demolition  of  the  9.11  was  done  by  nuclear  bomb  devices
                           placed into the buildings at the time of their original construction by
                           Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  David  and  Nelson
                           Rockefeller — who are Knights of Malta — and by Nazi SS.
                             Larry  Silverstein,  a  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  alien  incarnate
                           avatar  and  developer  of  the  World  Trade  Center,  made  4.6  billion
                           dollars from the insurance on terrorism that he conveniently bought just
                           before he demolished his own buildings. Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Draco
                           reptilian  chimera  alien  incarnate  avatar  of  the  ‘gay  mafia  elite’  and
                           Knight of Malta, worked for Donald Trump in New York.
                             Giuliani  intentionally  placed  his  OEM  (Office  of  Emergency
                           Management) in the World Trade Center, in order to make sure that this
                           tactical emergency management office was not operational on that day.
                           He made sure that the radios of the fire department were not operating
                           on that day. Silverstein leased his World Trade Center office to Giuliani
                           for his OEM to manage the 9.11 crisis, but Giuliani wasn’t there on that
                           day. He was outside, into the streets, where he was safe.
                             After the 9.11 attack, Illuminati were able: 1) to start their NWO, 2)
                           to start their global terrorism, 3) to kill millions of Western soldiers and
                           Muslim  families,  4)  to  take  away  privacy  and  human  rights,  5)  to
                           confiscate guns from citizens, 6) to increase police state control and
                           surveillance  on  every  street,  7)  to  spy  on  those  they  identified  as
                           dangerous to their NWO.
                             Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar George Soros (ruler
                           of the Satanists or ‘Phoenix’, His position was taken over by Draco
                           avatar Barack Obama), CIA-Al Qaeda chimera alien incarnate avatar
                           George Bush and Dick Cheney, ruler of the ICC space fleet on Mars,
                           destroyed the World Trade Center buildings and killed thousands of

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