P. 357

Soros is a ‘Revelation 3:9 fake Jew’, a Draco Prime royal bloodline
                           reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar who want to exterminate Jews.
                           Trump is a Draconian reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar and Q is
                           a ‘black goo’ fallen angel demon-possessed AI. Trump is the servant
                           of George Soros and certainly he will never arrest his boss or ‘drain the
                           swamp’. On the contrary, he wants to cause a nuclear war to start his
                           NWO.  His  ‘Operation  Warp  Speed  Blitzkrieg’  is  an  attack  against
                           mankind made in the image God.
                             Trump will force fake vaccines injections on all teenager children in
                           Semjaza’s medical science-witchcraft industry hospitals, while they cry
                           and plead to not be injected. Now you understand why: Trump and Q
                           ‘Great  Awakening’,  Wicca  witches  ‘Truth  movement’,  ‘Third  eye
                           opening’, and ‘Kundalini serpent spirit’ spread disinformation and lies.
                             The  Triad  (that  I  called  Satan  for  simplicity)  and  his  top  fallen
                           angels, Trump and the current AntiChrist (they change him following
                           the necessity of the moment). are rushing to disclose all the space fleet
                           technologies such as free-energy and replicator technology that uses
                           atoms to create instantly — at molecular level --- any type of food,
                           money, clothes and gold.
                             They are rushing to disclose: spaceships levitation technology, Floo
                           network technology of time travel through wormhole-type portals, med
                           bed technology to heal all diseases and regen tank technology to regrow
                           limbs. They will make it look like they invented these technologies all
                           of a sudden.
                             At present, the prime candidate to the role of AntiCrist is Trump’s
                           son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, Zionist, bisexual now gay, very
                           rich, very close to Netanyahu and with great projects about Jerusalem,
                           Israel and the world…

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