P. 354
people. They killed also thousands of people in the 3.11 Tohoku
earthquake tidal wave and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
The planes and the hostages of the 9-11 attack were taken to their
bases and to Mars planet cities. Passengers were teleported out to be
raped, sodomized, tortured, dissected as lab specimens, made into child
sex slaves, used in human sacrifice rituals, as human meat food or
organs harvested by Nazi Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens
incarnated in ‘Planned Parenthood’ Wicca witches. Remember,
human genes and souls are the most valuable commodities among
Nephilim aliens, chimera aliens and fallen angel aliens.
Donald Trump — MJ-12 leader and Nazi SS Draconian avatar —
and the AntiChrist are using the military to vaccinate: Africans, Slavs,
Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Native American Indians and
other colored people through Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’.
It seems they want to keep a few humans of the white Caucasian race
alive for a while, to choose from them some genetically superior
specimen. They will use this human DNA to create: more Nazi reptilian
hybrid MK Ultra child sex slaves, tender juicy young children human
meat food, Borg cyborg soldiers and Mars planet mining slaves, just
like on Ceres planet. They will do it after they scorch our planet with a
nuclear war.
Once real Christians finish their warning and are raptured up to
heaven, the AntiChrist and Donald Trump will use the military to go
from house to house to inject their fake vaccines (remember the Nazi
gas chambers…). Trump will slaughter religious Christian Tribulation
Saints (the Christians left behind after the rapture of real Christians),
patriots and nationalists to “drain the swamp”. All the people that Q
outed as religious Christian patriots are on FBI red list and are
considered as ‘the swamp’ by Draco avatar Donald Trump.
Trump and the Antichrist will exterminate all the old super soldiers.
Then they will transform their bodies into omega-3 fatty acid health
supplement vitamins, like they do today through Merck pharmaceutical
company. They will create new ubermann super soldiers more
subservient and hermaphrodites (with both a penis and a vagina), so that
they can have their LGBTP orgies with these children, sacrifice them