P. 339
III.XIII. Nazis in space
U.S. Navy space fleets, Ceres planet Nazi 4 Reich imperial space
fleets, ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) NWO globalist
elites space fleets, EDF (Earth Defense Force) space fleets, all the fallen
angel aliens space fleets and the space fleets of their Nephilim aliens
and chimera aliens can disintegrate, deflect and move asteroids away
from Earth or towards Earth. They can also open a wormhole-type
portal to send asteroids into a different location or time.
Image 31. We must fight, they are coming…
They have their own Nibiru dead star space station to kill off the
human species. The space fleets that Satan and his fallen angels
manufactured on our planet by using the secret societies of their
Nephilim descendants, are all manned by Nephilim aliens and chimera
aliens incarnated in hybrid human avatars.
They gave to human Presidents (Truman refused, but Eisenhower
and Hitler accepted) crashed UFO technology and military space junk
technology in exchange for millions of humans abducted to become:
child sex slaves, Mars planet mining slaves, prostitutes in brothels on
Nazi Ceres planet, human meat food, specimens for covid 19 biological
experiments, dissection experiments and cyborg industry.
True Nazis are not in Germany, but in America, Europe, Antarctica
(their Antarctic pyramids are active), Moon, Ceres and other planets.
By 1936, Nazis had their Hanebau spaceships. Their Andromedan
Gerat mother ship was 139 meters long. They had their Nazi Base 211
in the tropical regions of the Antarctic Hollow Earth. Satan’s ‘Black
Sun’ Black Nobility Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated in