P. 336

speed  to  move,  ability  to  teleport,  ability  to  heal  instantly  with
                           wolverine’s nanites, femtotech nanobots upgrade for super strength to
                           lift  tanks,  ‘higher  4   5 dimensional’  cybernetic  implant  weapons
                           inside  their  bodies  and  could  open  wormhole-type  portals  for  time
                             This will occur after the Rapture of real Christians up to heaven, after
                           our Holy Spirit leaves the Earth. The devil and his fallen angels will be
                           totally  free  to  exterminate  and  replace  humans  by  their  ‘Black
                           Awakening’ or ‘Great Awakening’ falsely promised by Q. 80% of the
                           Nazi 4  Reich imperial space fleet officers on Ceres, drank the ‘black
                           goo’,  and the bodies of  their  ‘Black Sun’  Schwarze Sonne Nazi  SS
                           Draconian reptilian chimera alien bosses are also swarming of “black
                           goo” AI femtotech nanobots.

                             Nazis  and  fake  vaccines.  Nephilim  alien  globalist  elites  during
                           Noah’s/Atlantis  days  were  pedophile  cannibals,  but  also  LGBTPB
                           (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) who raped
                           200 God’s animals to create all kinds of hybrid monsters. In this regard,
                           the Nazis are continuing the experiments they did in their extermination
                           camps during WWII with Jews, Slavs and other ethnic groups. How?
                             Illuminatus  White  House  leader  for  fake  covid  19  vaccine  is  the
                           Pleiadean avatar Anthony Fauci. He is the son of the Nazi war criminal
                           and  Pleiadean  fallen  angel  avatar  Josef  Mengele.  Fauci  conducts
                           barbaric experiments by buying live babies from Planned Parenthood.
                           He cuts off their body parts and grafts them onto animals.
                             At present, the infestation of werewolves and bigfoots is increasing.
                           There are trucks running them over and injuring them, and people watch
                           these videos.  In Atlantis  days,  Nephilim giants raped  the sloths  and
                           generated the ‘Bigfoot’ chimera aliens
                             Don’t dare blame our Almighty Creator or Lord Jesus because
                           you have not been warned. The Bible prophesies that Lord Jesus
                           will destroy all the armies of the world with the Word that proceeds
                           from  His  mouth.  He  will  throw  the  AntiChrist  and  the  False
                           Prophets into the Lake of Fire. Finally, He will throw the Triad
                           (Lucifer, Satan and the ex-Prince of the Earth) into the Abyss, to set
                           up His millennial kingdom on our planet.

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