P. 333
Organization that changed its name to United Network News and G-
Force. Its General Kimmy Goguen reports that General Milley and his
cybernetic Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated in the Nazi
‘Black Sun’ SS Schutzstaffel faction, are going to drag Russia, China,
Iran, Israel and India into WWIII to depopulate the Earth.
The nuclear war between the U.S. (NATO) and their European
puppet nations against Russia is a dramatic possibility after Putin
reacted to the violation of the Minsk Treaty by the Ukraine. 201 The
nuclear war between the U.S. and China is just another Satan’s plan to
bring his NWO using Taiwan.
God gave Russia and China freedom from religious persecution and
access to the Bible for a short while, so that they may listen to real
Christians warnings and repent. However, they adopted all the Western
nations redefined biblical verses, religious apostasy and Satan’s
lukewarm Christianity. Therefore, they will lose this freedom again and
will descend back into persecution.
Illuminati eliminated the City of London Corporation that ran the
world economy because London was the Rothschilds’ economic
headquarter. They are preparing to crash the worls economy, destroy
the Earth and reset a new global economy under their QFS (Quantum
Financial System). The QFS of the NWO is the digital currency of the
system of the Antichrist, the ‘Mark of the Beast 666’.
A short Nazi history. In the Antarctic pyramids (now reactivated)
of Draconian reptilian chimera aliens, Nazi 4 Reich High Command
and Arctic Nazi 5 Reich Pleiadean fallen angel aliens military
industrial complex, many companies constructed the Hanebau flying
The military industrial complex of American Illuminati and other
national companies participated to build parts of the Pleiadean fallen
angel Nazi Hanebau UFO spaceships from 1920 to 1930. They were
building their United Nations and did the same thing with the Gestapo
201 Néant Christelle (15/01/2020). Donbass – Ukraine openly violates Minsk
agreements. Url.